Celebrating Small Business Saturday: A Love Letter to Local Gems

Dear Friends, Bloomingtonians, and Fellow Small Business Enthusiasts,

As the proud owner of a small photography business nestled in the heart of our vibrant community, I am thrilled to join the chorus of voices celebrating Small Business Saturday. This special day holds a unique place in our hearts, reminding us of the countless reasons why supporting local businesses is not just a choice but a celebration of community, connection, and shared dreams.

In the spirit of this wonderful occasion, I wanted to take a moment to shine a spotlight on some of my favorite small businesses in our local area. These gems contribute to the tapestry of our community, each one a testament to the passion and dedication that goes into running a small enterprise. Join me in celebrating the essence of Small Business Saturday and the unique charm that local businesses bring to our lives.

My favorite places to go in Bloomington are coffee shops and bookstores so naturally, Morgenstern’s Bookstore and Café is my favorite place to be. I go here to edit photos, meet friends, and enjoy local treats from the café. My personal favorite is the pumpkin cream cheese muffins they serve from the Bakehouse.

My other go to coffee shop is the Inkwell Bakery & Café. The Inkwell is my go to place for a small lunch and a chai latte after class. When you book with me, there’s a good chance I’ll edit some of your session at the Inkwell. My favorite treat from the Inkwell is one of their chocolate chip scones which always make my day!

I could go on and on about all my favorite businesses in Bloomington, we are so lucky to have so many wonderful, quality, businesses that bring so much life to our home. My other favorites include the Owlery which serves the most delicious vegetarian and vegan food (my favorite is the BLT with a side of sweet potato fries), the Book Corner which is my go to location for jigsaw puzzles (and I love a good jigsaw puzzle), oak and Gather which both carry artisan goods that make perfect gifts for the holiday season!

Stickers at Gather

As we embark on this Small Business Saturday journey together, I encourage you to explore the wonderful tapestry of local businesses that make our community shine. Whether it's the cozy café where you sip your morning coffee, the boutique where you find the perfect gifts, or the local bookstore that feels like a second home, each small business adds a unique flavor to the fabric of our lives.

Let's make this Small Business Saturday a day of not just shopping, but of connection and celebration. Together, let's ensure the heartbeat of our community continues to thrive, one small business at a time.

Wishing you a delightful Small Business Saturday filled with joy, discovery, and a deep sense of community.


Unveiling a New Chapter: Embracing Self-Empowerment Through Boudoir Photography